This template is designed to match the requriments for a Online teacher, actualy, I designed this so my wife can use it to have a reference of her students, clases and income. Fist linke table has a filter to show the classes today, the second view, the calendar shows the clases during this month. At the bottom part of this page, it is a toggle with all the databases

  1. Students: This table contains the information about the students, there is a template to create new students so yu can have the required information



  2. Classes: contain the information about the classes


  3. Topycs: contains the information about all topycs depending on level, wich students have seen this topic and in wich classe you teach tis topic


  1. Levels: This table contains the level in wich the student could be at, as my wife teach Spanish, levels are A0, A1, A2, B1... so you can handle this as you need


